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Gleewood- Whiskey Sue

Happy Wednesday everyone, I've got some new music for your ears coming out of New Mexico, fresh from the inbox!

The setup: So I get a message saying "hey check out our stuff, its got the feel of what you'd like" (i.e.: Band of Skulls, Gary Clark Jr.) So I'm thinking definitely! I pop this video open and it starts with some good plucking blues by this long-haired-indie-rocker looking fella. So I'm bobbing my head to the pulse as the song is getting going and then boom! A freaking Howling Wolf voice starts going that's later joined by it's perfect polar opposite. Our bass lady's soft and soothing voice pushes everything into a sweet blend of genres.

So I do my due diligence and go through the rest of the catalog/history and I'll be honest, I'm loving what I hear!

Described before as "Coffee and Cream" and I can't help but agree; but even then I think that's a bit watered down. If it's a Gleewood morning I'll take my Coffee and Cream with an extra shot of "Whiskey Sue." ; )

Needless to say I'll be impatiently waiting for them to make their way to LA.

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